My name is Michele Young and I live in southern Ontario. I was delighted to be a winner of a copy of this high-quality needlework magazine, Giuliana Ricama. The contributors’ works are displayed in such a way that I immediately want to find a needle and thread and begin working on all of the projects. The pictures are gorgeous and the instructions and traceable designs make this magazine a fantastic resource and a treasure.
It was hard to choose a favourite project, but I decided upon the Casalguidi centrepiece with tassels because it contained many traditional, but new to me, stitches I will enjoy learning.

The project I am working on in the photo is an Alison Cole goldwork and stumpwork design, both new techniques for me, until I took her class at the EAC/ACB seminar in 2018.
I will enjoy sharing this magazine with the members of my guild but will take careful note of who borrows it because I will definitely want it back. Thank you for the prize and for the opportunity to review Giuliana Ricama.