EAC/ACB offers several types of learning opportunities, you can learn more about the requirements and delivery method for our projects,cyber projects and technique study courses. In addition, we offer an Instructor Certification Program.
Technique Studies Program
Members can explore a wide range of embroidery techniques, from the taster level to in-depth studies. Become a member to register for these exclusive courses. You will need your membership number to register. Before you register, take a few minutes to understand the technique studies course options, so you know what to expect, prerequisites, refund policy and more.
A Taste of Blackwork
Introductory Technique Study Program: Course by Margaret Henderson, Louise Turnbull & Linda Brenner Learn the basic skills of Blackwork embroidery.
Intermediate Drawn and Pulled Thread
Technique Study Program: Course by Kim Beamish This course is designed to extend your knowledge of two techniques - Drawn
Basic Crewel Embroidery
Technique Study Program: Course by Dorita Grant & Helen McCrindle Learn the fundamentals of crewel embroidery.
Intermediate Hems and Edges
Technique Study Program: Course by Barbara Kershaw This course is designed to introduce and teach some of the many varied
Advanced Crewel and Surface Embroidery
Technique Study Program: Course by Dorita Grant & Helen McCrindle This course will assist you in building upon the skills
Advanced Counted Thread
Technique Study Program: Course by Colleen Darling The purpose of this course is to expand your skills and knowledge in
Advanced Canvaswork
Technique Study Program: Course by Anna Marie Winter This course is designed for you to expand upon the knowledge and
Intermediate Colours For Embroidery
Technique Study Program: Course by Pam Godderis This course will develop an awareness and understanding of basic colour theory and