Leonida Leatherdale Needle Arts Library

The purpose of the Leonida Leatherdale Needle Arts Library is to provide and maintain a collection of printed and other resource materials that will support members of the association in furthering their personal growth in many fields of stitchery.

Almost all of the books in the LLNAL have been added to the EAC/ACB TinyCat (an online catalogue). Here, members can see a book’s cover image and borrowing status, place holds, check out books, view related titles, request more information about specific titles, and get reminders about their loans. To borrow books, you’ll need to use your membership number to log in, so have it handy!

Members can borrow up to four items for one month; chapters may borrow up to 20 books for a two-month period.

EAC/ACB will pay the shipping fees. Once the books have been returned to the librarian, members may ask to be reimbursed for the return postage.