submitted by Mary Wahl
I have lived in Canmore, Alberta (about an hour west of Calgary in the Rocky Mountains) for almost five years. Before that, I lived in Toronto and was a devoted member of the Toronto Guild of Stitchery for many years. I remain a member of EAC/ACB.
I was one of the lucky ones to receive an issue of Giuliana Ricama magazine. I have been thoroughly enjoying the pictures of beautiful embroideries with photographic instructions in the issue. I have had some difficulty understanding the written instructions. This includes materials lists where I could not translate fabrics and thread requirements to the supplies readily available here. However, I can do a lot with pictures. I love the little Italian dolls. I am a cloth doll maker and may allow them to inspire me in the not too distant future.

It was easy for me to relate to the article by Kiyoko Miyagoshi, which featured the chrysanthemum pattern for temari balls. That was the first pattern that I learned how to do with EAC/ACB member Peggy Kimble years ago. Since then, I have made many different patterns, most quite complicated. I have included some in my photograph. I purchased a Japanese book of temari patterns in Matsumoto, Japan, where temari balls are sold in the castle and are featured in the sidewalk grates! I cannot read the book but all I have to do is look at the pictures. I prefer using Styrofoam balls in order to have fairly perfect spheres. The size of the balls does not matter – everything is proportional. I fit them with quilt batting or something soft before winding on the background colour thread. The Japanese like to use all sorts of bits, fabric and otherwise, to form their balls.