Embroidery Canada (EC) magazine is delivered to all EAC/ACB members. Update mailing addresses for EAC/ACB correspondence, including EC, with the Membership Director via our contact page.
EC welcomes advertisers. Please address all correspondence regarding EC magazine to the Editor via our contact page.
Embroidery Canada Magazine Index
After many, many volunteer hours, the Embroidery Canada Magazine Index has been completed! Several volunteers contributed to this huge project, with Allan Bartel adding 75% of the entries (fyi, Allan is the husband of WEG president Helen Bartel). Dina Iwanycky of LCSG/GTAL has transformed it into a polished resource. Thank you! Download the PDF and search with the tools in your PDF reader.
Upcoming Embroidery Canada Themes and Submission Dates
Please take a look at this list of upcoming themes. We’d appreciate your articles and projects to help create a useful and valued resource for all EAC/ACB members.
- Crewel Work || Fall 2025 || deadline, May 1, 2025
- Seasons || Spring 2026 || deadline November 10, 2025
- Whitework || Fall 2026 || deadline, May 1, 2026
Embroidery Canada Submissions
We encourage you to make submissions to the magazine on any subject that would be of interest to a wide variety of stitching enthusiasts. Please check our submissions guidelines and the examples we are sharing.
- A great interview with Celeste Chalasani
- Wonderful project instructions from Anna Scott
- Thorough stitching diagram and finishing instructions
Please send questions or your article, book or exhibit review, project or pattern and photos to submissions@eac-acb.ca.
Submissions Guidelines (2020-05)
Embroidery Canada (EC) welcomes English and French articles on techniques, projects, embroidery history, interviews with fibre artists and other subjects that might be of interest to needleworkers.
If you wish to contribute to EC, please spend some time familiarizing yourself with the sample articles, features and projects we have provided. An article is usually about a specific topic and can include photographs, accounts, statistics, graphs, recollections, etc.
Feature articles are longer, special-interest pieces that treat a topic in-depth, go into historical or descriptive detail, and provide more than a simple reporting of basic news or information. Feature articles are objective and fact-based with accompanying visual elements like photographs, quotes, etc.
Project-related articles should include all patterns and instructions, with step-by-step photographs, required to complete the design.
Contact the EC editor for more information and direction at submissions@eac-acb.ca. Submissions must be sent by email. The preferred format is Microsoft Word compatible files. Include a short bio of the author, including affiliation with EAC/ACB if applicable. Information about any prior publication of the submission must also be included.
Submission of an article does not guarantee acceptance, and the editor cannot guarantee placement in a specific issue. Submissions may be edited to fit space limitations, to correct content and to meet EC standards.
Good images can make the difference between publishing and not publishing your submission. All photographs, drawings, diagrams and charts should be clear, in focus and accurate. If we like your idea, we will ask you to send high-resolution digital images for consideration.
Digital images should be a minimum of 300 pixels per inch (ppi), saved as .jpg files, at a minimum of four by six inches, that is 1200 by 1800 ppi. Do not edit your photographs using photo-editing software. The subject of the article must be the most important item in the photograph. Photographs should not include distracting props or cluttered backgrounds.
Sometimes, our mobile phones compress photographs to limit data use. If the photograph is sent from the “share” option that displays at the bottom of your screen, it may be unusable for press-printing purposes.
So, it is best to send photographs as an attachment through email. For example, open your email program, compose your email message, and then add the photograph as an attachment.
Some Apple devices save photographs in an Apple-only format (.heic) because the files are smaller. Many devices do not show the file extensions, but please check that any photographs that you send are .jpg files. You should be able to do a search on your device to find out how to do that.
Copyright & Permissions
EAC/ACB is not responsible for verifying the accuracy of submissions or for checking for any copyright infringement by authors.
By submitting articles and projects to EC, the author/creator gives permission to EAC/ACB to publish in print and electronically on the EAC/ACB website and to distribute to EAC/ACB chapters for chapter programs, both current and future with any necessary copying. Credit will be given to the author/designer when used. EC magazine is copyrighted as a whole. Copyright for individual articles is held by the authors, and reprint permission must be given by the author for uses other than those specified above.
An honorarium of $125 will be paid to authors of submissions over 750 words upon publication in EC. EAC/ACB would be pleased to accept the fee as a charitable donation and will issue a receipt upon request of the author. If you wish to donate your honorarium, please note this with your submission.
You might find the article “Setting Up for Photo Success” helpful if you are having trouble taking photographs. Download a copy of “Setting Up for Photo Success,” as published in Embroidery Canada, Volume 47, Numbers 1 & 2.