EAC/ACB Chapters


Calgary Guild of Needle & Fibre Arts

When: 2nd Wednesday, 7:00 pm (No meetings July & August)
Where: Scandinavian Centre, 739 20 Avenue NW, Calgary
Website :: Email :: Facebook Page

Cochrane Big Hill Needlearts Guild

When: 1st Wednesday, 7:00-9:00 pm (No meetings July & August)
Where: The Stitching Corner, 2, 185 – 1 St E, Cochrane
Website :: Email

Edmonton Needlecraft Guild

When: 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 pm (No meetings July & August)
Where: Avonmore United Church, 7909 82 Avenue
Website :: Email :: Facebook Page

British Columbia

Arrowsmith Needle Arts, Qualicum Beach

When: 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 10 am-2 pm (No meetings June-August, December)
Where: Oaks Social Room (4th floor), 543 Stanford Ave E, Parksville, BC

Cowichan Valley Needlearts Guild, Duncan

When: 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 2:00-4:00 pm (with some exceptions; No meetings July & August)
Where: Gathering Place Room, Cowichan Branch Vancouver Island Regional Library,  2687 James St, Duncan, BC 

Embroiderers’ Guild of Victoria

When: 2nd Saturday, 10:30 a.m. (No meetings July & August)
Where: Eastern Star Hall, 3281 Harriet Rd, Victoria BC
Youth group: Thread Whisperers– meet 4th Sunday, 1 – 3:30 p.m. Contact youth leader for location.
Website  ::  Email  ::  Facebook Page

North Peace Needle Arts Guild, Fort St John

When: 1st Monday, 7:00 pm
Where: North Lights College

Semiahmoo Guild of Needlearts, White Rock

When: 1st & 3rd Mondays, 10:00 am-12:30 pm
Where: White Rock Library

Shuswap Needlearts Guild, Salmon Arm

When: 1st & 3rd Thursday, 10:00 am-3:00 pm
Where: Sunnybrae Seniors’ Hall
Needle Bugs Youth Group

The Texada Island Needlework Guild, Gillies Bay

When: 3rd Sunday, 12:00 pm
Where: Old School Hall, Gillies Bay Road

Vancouver Guild of Embroiderers

When: 3rd Tuesday, 9:30 am (No meetings July & August)
Where: Canadian Memorial Church for Peace, 1825 W 16th Avenue
Website  ::  Email


Winnipeg Embroiderers’ Guild

When: 1st Thursday, 7:00-9:15 pm (No meetings July & August)
Where: St. Mary’s Road United Church, 613 St. Mary’s Road
Website  ::  Email

New Brunswick

Pleasant Valley Stitchers, Belleisle Area

When: 1st & 3rd Tuesday (No meetings June to August)
Where: Belleisle Community Centre, 1648 Route 124, Springfield

Newfoundland and Labrador

St John’s Guild of Embroiderers

When: Last Tuesday, 7:30 pm
Where: Shriner’s Center, 530 Topsail Rd., St. John’s (parking lot entrance is off Ferryland St. East)
Website  ::  Email  ::  Facebook Page
Starfish Youth Stitchers

Nova Scotia

Alderney Needlearts Guild, Dartmouth

When: Tuesdays, 9:30 am-noon
Where: St. Luke’s Anglican Church, Dartmouth

Marigold Guild of Needle Arts, Truro

When: 3rd Tuesday, 1 pm (No meetings June-August)
Where: First United Church (711 Prince St., Truro, NS) 
Meeting room: Hall Parlour (Lorne St. entrance)
Website  ::  Email

Stitchery Guild of Bedford

When: 3rd Wednesday, 7-9 pm (No meetings July & August)
Where: Email for meeting location.

Town Clock Stitchers, Halifax

When: 3rd Saturday, 1 pm (No meetings July & August)
Where: Please check our Facebook page for the meeting location
Website  ::  Email :: Facebook


Cataraqui Guild of Needle Arts, Kingston

When: 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 9:30 am-3:30 pm (No meetings July & August)
Where: St. John’s Anglican Church, 41 Church Street, Kingston
Website  ::  Email

Chimnissing Stitchers

Christian Island

Embroiderers’ Guild of Peterborough

When: Wednesdays, 9:30-noon (No meetings June-August)
Where: Real Canadian Superstore, Second floor Community Room, 769 Borden Ave
Website  ::  Email

Norfolk’s Own Needle Arts Guild, Norfolk County

When: 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 7-9 pm (No meetings July & August)
Where:  Waterford United Church, 135 Main Street S, Waterford
Website  ::  Email

Ottawa Valley Guild of Stitchery

When: 3rd Wednesdays, 7:00-10:00 pm (No meetings July & August)
Where: City View United Church, 6 Epworth Avenue
Website  ::  Email  ::  Facebook Page

Quinte Needlearts Guild, Belleville

When: 1st Thursday, 9:30 am-2 pm (No meetings July & August)
Where: Salvation Army Citadel, 290 Bridge Street West (Corner of Palmer)

Scarborough Needlearts Guild

When: Mondays (September to May, except December), 10 am to 2 pm
Where: St Mark’s United Church, 115 Orton Park Road, Scarborough

Simcoe County Embroidery Guild, Barrie

When: 2nd & 4th Mondays, 10:00 am-2:00 pm (No meetings July & August)
Where: Simcoe County Museum, 1151 Highway 26, Minesing

Toronto Guild of Stitchery

When: Day Group 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 10:00 am, Evening Group 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 7:00 pm (No meetings July & August)
Where: Blythwood Road Baptist Church, 80 Blythwood Road, Toronto
Website  ::  Email  ::  Facebook Page

Trillium Embroidery Guild, Whitby

When: 3rd Wednesday of the month (September to June), 6:30 to 9 pm
Where: Perry Terrace, 220 Perry Street, Whitby
Website :: Email

Tulip Tree Needlearts Guild, Chatham-Kent

When: Every Tuesday
Where: Various locations in Chatham-Kent; email us for information about where we are meeting

York Chatelaines

When: 2nd Thursday, 7:00-9:00 pm
Where: Sobey’s Aurora – Meeting Room, 15500 Bayview Avenue, Aurora
Email  ::  Facebook Page


Guilde de Broderie Repentignoise, Lanaudiere


Lakeshore Creative Stitchery Guild/La guilde des travaux à l’aiguille du Lakeshore

Pointe-Claire, check our website for locations and times
Website  ::  Email  ::  Facebook page

Les brodeuses du Saint-Laurent

Québec City, please email for meeting information
Email :: Facebook page


Bridge City Needle Arts Guild, Saskatoon

When: 1st Wednesday, 7:30 pm (No meetings July & August)
Where: Mayfair United Church, 902 33rd Street West
Email  ::  Facebook Page

Regina Stitchery Guild

When: 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 pm (No meeting July & August)
Where: Neil Balkwill Civic Arts Centre, 2420 Elphinstone Street
Website  ::  Email  ::  Facebook Page


Yukon Guild of Needle Arts, Whitehorse

When: 2nd Thursday, 7:30 pm (No meetings June-August)
Where: School Sewing Room

 Online Chapter

Virtual Threads is the online chapter of EAC/ACB via https://eac-vt.groups.io/g/VTHome. With over 100 members, it’s a vibrant and active group with members from all over Canada, the US and other countries. Enjoy projects and activities, workshops (including those led by internationally known teachers), group challenges, photo galleries and more.

Try things out with a 30-day trial; just visit the Virtual Threads’ website and click the Apply to Join button. 
Email :: Facebook page


Brant Needle Arts Guild, Brantford, ON
Sudbury & District Quilting and Stitchery Guild, Sudbury, ON