Members’ Embroidery Gallery

This gallery displays some of the embroidery completed by our members. We encourage members to share their work by submitting it using our online form.

Simply click on the photo thumbnail to get a complete view of it. From there, you can easily flip through the entire gallery by using the small arrows on either side of the image to move forwards or backwards.

Blue Birds in Meadow | stitched by Patricia Barrett | designer unknown
submitted by Patricia Barrett

Jeans fleuri | conçu et brodé par Eileen Germain, SL
submitted by Eileen Germain

L’oiseau est dans son nid | conçu et brodé par Eileen Germain, SL
submitted by Eileen Germain

Veste de soirée | conçu et brodé par Eileen Germain, SL
submitted by Eileen Germain

Florentine Purse, stitched by Adele Mandryk VT, designed by Margaret Lee
submitted by Adele Mandryk

Les montagnes | conçu et brodé par Eileen Germain, SL
submitted by Eileen Germain

La Joconde aux poissons | conçu et brodé par Eileen Germain, SL
submitted by Eileen Germain

La femme étoilée | conçu et brodé par Eileen Germain, SL
submitted by Eileen Germain

Lee jardin de mon enfance | conçu et brodé par Eileen Germain, SL
submitted by Eileen Germain

La jeune fille et la forêt | conçu et brodé par Eileen Germain, SL
submitted by Eileen Germain

L’emmitoufflée royale | conçu et brodé par Eileen Germain, SL
submitted by Eileen Germain

Les montagnes 11 | conçu et brodé par Eileen Germain, SL
submitted by Eileen Germain

La dame aux fleurs 1 | conçu et brodé par Eileen Germain, SL
submitted by Eileen Germain

Diamond Ice Wall Hanging | stitched by Audrey Gibson, EGV \ designed by Julia Lucas, published in StitchersWorld
submitted by Audrey GIbson

Ginkgo Study 1 | designed and stitched by Ruth Mills
submitted by Ruth Mills

Golden Royal Gala Apple | designed and stitched by Ruth Mills, Individual
submitted by Ruth Mills

Jeune fille à la perle | par Josette Bélanger, SL | d'après impression sur canevas de SEG de paris
submitted by Josette Bélanger

Les moutons | stitched by Jocelyne Douville, SL | original design (acrylic and watercolour) by Bernard Duchesne
submitted by Jocelyne Douville, SL

Book Cover | designed and stitched by A Mandryk, VT
submitted by Adele Mandryk

Belarusian Dolls Brooch | stitched and designed by Iryna Varabei, TGS
submitted by Iryna Varabei

Belarusian Icon pin badge | stitched and designed by Iryna Varabei, TGS
submitted by Iryna Varabei

Belarusian Traditional Headwear | stitched and designed by Iryna Varabei, TGS
submitted by Iryna Varabei

Belarusian Traditional Blouse (sleeve detail) | stitched and designed by Iryna Varabei, TGS
submitted by Iryna Varabei

Gerdan (traditional necklace) | stitched and designed by Iryna Varabei, TGS
submitted by Iryna Varabei

50th Project "Stepping In" designed by Kilmeny Jones | stitched and made into bag by Jennie Wolter, CGNA
submitted by Jennie Wolter

Flutterbye Extended | stitched by Diane Scott, MGNA, TGS | designed by Gail Sirna taught at Seminar 2022, Toronto
submitted by Diane Scott

Merryn's Pouch | stitched by Sue Thomas VT | designed by Laura Wasilowski, Joyful Stitches
submitted by Sue Thomas

15-Sided Biscornu | stitched by Tulip Tree Needlearts Guild Members | designed by Joyce Gill, VT
submitted by Tulip Tree Needlearts Guild

15-Sided Biscornu | stitched by Leslie Burrows, MGNA | designed by Joyce Gill, VT
submitted by Leslie Burrows

15-Sided Biscornu | stitched by Geneve Newcombe, MGNA, VT | designed by Joyce Gill, VT
submitted by Geneve Newcombe

15-Sided Biscornu | stitched by Diane Scott, MGNA, TGS, YC | designed by Joyce Gill, VT
submitted by Diane Scott

15-Sided Biscornu | stitched by Doris Cassidy, MGNA | designed by Joyce Gill, VT
submitted by Doris Cassidy

15-Sided Biscornu | stitched by Wendy McPhee, ANG | designed by Joyce Gill, VT
submitted by Wendy McPhee

15-Sided Biscornu | stitched by Noreen Quilliam, ANG, SGB | designed by Joyce Gill, VT
submitted by Noreen Quilliam

15-Sided Biscornu | stitched by Sylvie Parent, LCSG/GTAL | designed by Joyce Gill, VT
submitted by Sylvie Parent

15-Sided Biscornu | stitched by Mary Dupius, LCSG/GTAL | designed by Joyce Gill, VT
submitted by Mary Dupius

15-Sided Biscornu | stitched by Marie Therese Beauchamp, LCSG/GTAL | designed by Joyce Gill, VT
submitted by Marie Therese Beauchamp

15-Sided Biscornu | stitched by Bernadette Guillo, LCSG/GTAL | designed by Joyce Gill, VT
submitted by Bernadette Guillo

15-Sided Biscornu | stitched by Lise Schofield, LCSG/GTAL | designed by Joyce Gill, VT
submitted by Lise Schofield

15-Sided Biscornu | stitched by Suzanne Blake, LCSG/GTAL | designed by Joyce Gill, VT
submitted by Suzanne Blake

15-Sided Biscornu | stitched by Debby Soll, LCSG/GTAL | designed by Joyce Gill, VT
submitted by Debby Soll