
Playful Alphabet

What We Have for You

The EAC/ACB offers youth members a newsletter, youth-focused courses, embroidery stitch resources and more!

Youth members are a part of a youth chapter. Contact the Youth Appointee to find out if there is a youth chapter in your area.

Join Us!

Blue Jean Purse

Are you between the ages of 9 and 21 and interested in embroidery? You might be surprised to find how much creativity you can express with a needle and thread!

New Youth Members

When you first join, you will receive a new member’s kit in the mail. In this kit you’ll find:

  • a welcome letter
  • the most recent issue of the Youth Embroiderers’ Newsletter with some goodies
  • a Needlework Notebook with your name, membership number and renewal date on the first page, and instructions for making a scissor fob, needle case and pincushion
  • a kit with all the supplies for making butterflies in two different techniques
  • a kit with all the supplies for making a sampler bookmark
  • six skeins of embroidery floss
  • a small embroidery kit donated by EAC/ACB members
  • a brochure to give to a friend
  • a how-to stitch booklet

All Youth Members

Four times a year the youth members receive a newsletter with goodies attached. You’ll also receive one issue of Embroidery Canada with the annual seminar brochure.

There are four courses written specifically for our youth members and the cost is only $5. You receive a kit that includes all the materials needed to complete the course. You are also eligible to take EAC/ACB courses and you may also order books from the EAC/ACB library.

The Eleanor Thomas Youth Award provides funding for purchasing embroidery-related books for you or your youth group, taking a Youth Embroiderers’ course or EAC/ACB course, attending an EAC/ACB or chapter workshop, or attending the annual, national EAC/ACB seminar. Contact the Youth Appointee for the application form and eligibility requirements.