This code covers your behaviour as a member of the EAC/ACB community in any form, whether online, public meetings, private correspondence, or face-to-face communication.
Be Welcoming and Inclusive
One of the core responsibilities of EAC/ACB is to promote needlework through education. Beginners or advanced, young or not so young, should be welcome without discrimination or harassment.
Be Respectful and Considerate
You are working with others as a team, so please consider how your words, actions and contributions affect your fellow members and the community. Treat one another and members of the community with respect. Everyone can make a valuable contribution. We may not always agree, but disagreement is no excuse for poor behaviour or manners. We might all experience some frustration now and then, but we cannot allow that frustration to turn into harmful behaviour.
Be Collaborative
Members of EAC/ACB share a common interest and love of the art of needlework. Varied views on running any organization are expected, but new ideas or suggestions for better ways of doing things should be passed on constructively. Remember that progress is made by disagreement, debate and constructive criticism. The important part is not to avoid these differing views but to resolve the issues constructively and not turn them into personal conflicts.
Be Grateful and Courteous
Organizations do not run themselves. EAC/ACB relies on the time and efforts of many volunteers, whether on the national board or local chapter level. Seminars, in particular, require a great deal of time and energy from EAC/ACB members on the committees, who must fit it in with their busy lives. They are committed to doing their best and deserve the respect and admiration of those who attend.
Be Democratic
All views have the right to be heard within the organization, but the majority’s will should be followed.
Be Available
Anyone who accepts membership in EAC/ACB, whether national or local, should realize they have a responsibility to be available to their fellow members. Phone calls, emails and other communication should be checked regularly and answered promptly, even with an “I’ll get back to you.” If this is impossible, they should arrange for others to take this responsibility temporarily. It is common courtesy to let others know of upcoming absences. Putting an autoresponder on one’s email can alert those trying to communicate when you cannot respond and who else may assist them. A good rule of thumb for an out-of-office automatic reply is to use it if you are away for more than a long weekend or a couple of days during a week.
Be Honest
Sometimes the hardest thing to say is “no” or admit that we forgot to do something. Please be honest with each other and to yourself about your commitments. Never be afraid to ask for help.
Be Educational
All communication should deal directly with EAC/ACB news, chapter news and events, embroidery, needlework or fibre arts-related topics, whether written or spoken. Any list of EAC/ACB members should not be used for any other purpose without the individual’s prior consent.
Follow the Rules
Volunteers are expected to uphold the bylaws, policies and procedures of EAC/ACB and their local chapters. If there is confusion on any issue, questions should be directed to the President or an appropriate member who will find the answer for you. Proper use of membership information and copyright materials is expected from all EAC/ACB members.
Things to Think About as a Chapter Member
- Am I willing to participate in the belief that everyone wants what is best for the chapter?
- Am I willing to try to separate the facts from emotions?
- Am I listening?
- Am I letting others talk?
- Am I sticking to the subject?
- Am I placing principles above personalities?
- Am I willing to support the chapter’s decisions?