EAC/ACB Board meetings are open to all EAC/ACB members. Board meetings are scheduled in advance and are available through our events calendar.
In order to safeguard our domain name, we have set up a contact page. Please use the form to contact any member of the board of directors.
Would you like to know more about a certain position and its responsibilities? Visit our page with the job description for all our positions.
- President: Terri Briggs
- Vice-President: vacant
- Secretary: Sandra Baker
- Treasurer: Barb Angier
- Communications Director: Poppy Bleau
- Education Director: Heather McKinnon
- Membership Director: Karen Sewell
- Chapter Director: Cynthia MacDougall
- Individual Member Director: Caroline Jenner
Past President: Nicole McReavy
Appointees & Assistants
- Archives: Terri Briggs
- Registrar: Arlene Chanel
- Chapter Membership Appointee: Mary Robertson
- Test Student Coordinator: Linda Brenner
- Project Coordinator: vacant
- Education Assistant: Arlewyn Wingate
- eThreads Editor: Wendy Wilson
- Formatting Specialist: Diane Mugford
- French Liaison: Louise Desmarais
- Heritage Collection: Marjorie Gavigan
- Sampler Registrar: Anne Rowlands
- Government Compliance Liaison: Terri Briggs
- Leonida Leatherdale Needle Arts Library: Natalie Dupuis
- Seminar 2025: Jennifer Care & Sabrina Rioux
- Seminar 2026: Linda Brenner & Heather McKinnon
- SNS Coordinator: Meghan Lightle
- SNS Contributor: Jan Walinck
- Speaker Series Coordinator: Dima Santina
- Translation: Louise Desmarais, Faith Cormier
- Editorial Committee: Barbara Gilbert, Pat Bowley
- Proofreaders: Linda Brenner, Sue Davies, Louise Desmarais, Dina Iwanycky, Kristina Glicksman, Shannon Johnson, Tricia McKenzie
- Website Team: Arlene Chanel, Dina Iwanycky, Kathryn Robicheau
- Embroidery Canada Editor: Victoria Moorshead
- Technical Specialist: Kathryn Robicheau