Stephen and Michelle’s Sampler
Estimated Date Stitched:
Estimated Age of Stitcher:
School and/or Teacher:
Name of Stitcher:
Dale Laura Edwards
Type of Sampler:
Size of Sampler:
Width: 10.75in
Height: 16in
✔︎ Mounted
A floral design on linen announcing their marriage. Backed and then surroumded by a rayon cord which provides a hanger and finishes the bottom
Condition: Excellent
Description of condition:
Excellent condition, no tears or stains on the stitched fabric. The stitched picture depicting names, dates and occasion is framed within a rayon braided cord. The green cord shows a small amount of wear. At the moment it isk wrapped in tissue paper and tucked away in a drawer
Fabric Type:
Approximate thread count:
Embroidery thread type:
Number of letters:
Description of alphabets:
Number of sets of numerals:
Description of numerals:
Borders: other
Motifs: plants
Type of stitches: other – outline, stem, feather, chain, detached chain (lazy daisy), leaf
Name or initials on sampler: Stephen and Michelle Seaboyer
Verse or Inscription:
Stephen and Michelle united in holy matrimony, May 1, 1992
Owner / Donor Story:
Michelle and Stephen met in the autumn of 1989 when Stephen came to Wallaceburg where Michelle was born and raised. He came to be the music pastor at the church where Michelle and her family attended. She was part of the band and choir program and played the flute and piccolo (there were three other flautists who also played the piccolo, though none of the four enjoyed the instrument). during one of the first rehearsals, Pastor Stephen (as he is known) asked Michelle to get the piccolo for a song they were rehearsing. She said she would rather not, because she knew that it was not her turn for that chore. Stephen was unaware of her reason and replied “I am not asking you, I am telling you”. In spite of her natural anger at this unfairness, Michelle continued to play in the band and offered to help out in any way. Their friendship blossomed over the next year, as they worked together on the music program. Michelle invited Stephen to join her family at some of their events and Stephen took Michelle on a few outings with others. They began dating in 1990. In October 1991, Stephen moved to Cambridge to work in a church there. Michelle expected that this would be the end of their relationship, as marriage had never been discussed. She was unaware that Stephen had already designed a custom ring and was having it made at a local jeweller. Thanksgiving weekend 1991 Stephen took Michelle to Niagara Falls, supposedly to buy fudge. While there he asked her to marry him. She said “Are you serious?”, squealed and gave him a big hug and a kiss. A few minutes later, after putting the ring on her finger, he asked “So is that a yes?”. They were married in May of 1992. Stephen’s maternal Aunt Dale made a lovely decoration for their new home – this sampler.
This sampler was a joy to design and stitch, and I am glad that it has been appreciated by them. I enjoyed doing the bullion roses, and the simplicity of the design. I feel that the cord enhances the work.
I am happy that their marriage has flourished for all this time and wish them many more years of joy.
Other Information:
No. of photographs: Number of photographs: 3
Description of photographs:
Reference numbers: (Museum, archive or other references associated with sampler)

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