submitted by: Carol Gordon, Membership, Vancouver Guild of Embroiderers
We’re calling our summer stitching group Under the Old Oak Tree.
Just thought I would show you what our Vancouver Guild does during a very hot day (every second Tuesday) and safe-distancing during the Corona virus. Bring your lunch, a chair and some stitching. What a way to live in glorious Vancouver (not that we’re bragging or anything). So we now have our meetings figured out until the weather changes.
Members of the Vancouver Guild of Embroiderers stitching under a tree. Finding spots of shade for stitching while distancing. En plein air stitching in Vancouver during COVID restrictions.
We only wish we’d thought to do this during the summer years ago. And what a great way to encourage stitching and encourage friendship!
Find out more about what the Vancouver Guild of Embroiderers is up to on their website.