Heehwa Jo: Speaker Series

Heehwa Jo: Speaker Series

In this talk, Heehwa will introduce traditional Korean embroidery, showcasing a variety of visual examples from Korea and comparing them to embroideries from other parts of the world. Through thought-provoking questions about both Korean and general embroidery, she will invite attendees to reflect on how we approach and appreciate this intricate art form.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

  • 4:30 Newfoundland Time
  • 4 pm Atlantic Time
  • 3 pm Eastern Time
  • 2 pm Central Time
  • 1 pm Mountain Time
  • noon Pacific Time


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In this talk, Heehwa will introduce traditional Korean embroidery, showcasing a variety of visual examples from Korea and comparing them to embroideries from other parts of the world. Through thought-provoking questions about both Korean and general embroidery, she will invite attendees to reflect on how we approach and appreciate this intricate art form.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

  • 4:30 Newfoundland Time
  • 4 pm Atlantic Time
  • 3 pm Eastern Time
  • 2 pm Central Time
  • 1 pm Mountain Time
  • noon Pacific Time


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