The Cataraqui Guild of Needle Arts (CGNA) of Kingston, Ontario, is participating in Gananoque’s 1000 Islands History Museum‘s “From Away” display until June 2024.

Our display includes whitework, blackwork, canvaswork, cross stitch, surface embroidery and Hapsburg lace. Several of our members also belong to the Kingston Heirloom Quilters, who made the tulip quilt (shown from the back) behind the CGNA display you see in the photo. An article about the show is included in the December issue of CGNA’s Gilding the Needle, pages 12 and 13, with more general information in the Gananoque Reporter’s December 24 article, “History Museum brings in fibre arts exhibit From Away.”
If you are in the area, be sure to drop in and see this wonderful exhibit. You’ll be glad you did!
Submitted by Cataraqui Guild of Needle Arts, written by Kristeen Kristensen