Estimated Date Stitched:
Estimated Age of Stitcher:
School and/or Teacher:
Name of Stitcher:
Kim Louise, Victor Alexander Beamish, KB, VB, NB, MB
Type of Sampler:
Size of Sampler:
Width: 26cm
Height: 77cm
Condition: Excellent
Description of condition:
Fabric Type:
Approximate thread count:
Embroidery thread type:
Number of letters:
Description of alphabets:
Number of sets of numerals:
Description of numerals:
Motifs: plants, buildings, religiuos
Type of stitches: other – Rope Stitch, Back Stitch, Back Stitched Whipped, Chain Stitch Detached Chain (Lazy daisy), Chain Stitch – Whipped, Kloster, Coral Stitch, Deerfield Herringbone, Herringbone Stitch, Knotted Loop, Rococo (Queen Stitch), Colonial Knot, Basket Stitch, Long Arm Cross Stitch, Cross Stitch, Cross Stitch woven , Cross Stitch Chained, Cross Stitch over 4, Three Sided Stitch, Alternating blanket Stitch, Basque Stitch, Montenegrin Stitch, Symra Cross Stitch, Fern Stitch, Pekinese Stitch, Four Sided Stitch, Beaded Hedebo Edge (Hedebo Stitch), Stem Stitch, Ringed Back Filling Stitch, Oblique Filing Stitch, Rhodes Heart, Bullion Knot, Tent Stitch, French Knot, Satin Stitch, Lattice Stitch, Holbein Stitch, Algerian Eyelet, Marking Stitch (over 4), Outline Stitch, Needleweave, Dove’s Eye, Interlacing (Drawn Thread), Hem Stitch, Button Hole Stitch, Rice Stitch Split Stitch
Name or initials on sampler: Kim Louise, Victor Alexander Beamish, KB, VB, NB, MB
Verse or Inscription:
Love Honour Cherish
Today Tomorrow Always
Owner / Donor Story:
Other Information:
No. of photographs: Number of photographs: 14
Description of photographs:
Reference numbers: (Museum, archive or other references associated with sampler)

If you have more info about this sampler, please contact us at