Estimated Date Stitched:
Estimated Age of Stitcher:
6 years
School and/or Teacher:
St Joseph's Convent
Name of Stitcher:
Rose Cecelia Anderson
Type of Sampler:
Size of Sampler:
Width: 60cm
Height: 45.5cm
✔︎ Framed
Likely original
Condition: Excellent
Description of condition:
Fabric Type:
Approximate thread count:
Embroidery thread type:
Number of letters:
Description of alphabets:
Number of sets of numerals:
Description of numerals:
Borders: Flower Pattern
Motifs: plants
Type of stitches: Cross
Name or initials on sampler: Rose Cecelia Anderson
Verse or Inscription:
Owner / Donor Story:
Rose completed the sampler while attending St Joseph’s convent. Her parents were Edmund Anderson & Eugenie Morin. She married Francis Cleary on Sept 21,1871. They had 4 daughters & 2 sons. Francis was mayor of Windsor.
Donor Information: The sampler was held by the Cleary family until donated to the museum. The Clearys were a prominent local family.
Other Information:
The sampler remained in the Cleary family until donated to the museum. Cleary Auditorium is named after the family.
No. of photographs: Number of photographs: 1
Description of photographs:
Reference numbers: (Museum, archive or other references associated with sampler)

If you have more info about this sampler, please contact us at