Carol and Bert’s Sampler
Estimated Date Stitched:
Estimated Age of Stitcher:
School and/or Teacher:
Name of Stitcher:
Dale Laura Edwards
Type of Sampler:
Size of Sampler:
Width: 47cm
Height: 41cm
✔︎ Framed
This is the introduction to the first 25 years of the marriage of Carol Elizabeth Cross and Herbert Olding.
Square sampler, stitched in blocks of
different sizes. Each block is outlined with a different scroll-type border.
From top to bottom, left to right, the symbols are a clamp signifying woodwork, a typewriter and pen/pencils, Carol doing office work. the rod of Asclepius, Bert hospital steward and books, chidren in school
Second block singers, initials, wedding rings
Block 3 which runs into block 3, row 2 – Farm at Turtleford, Sk with them driving from Toronto to there on their honeymoon trip. Toronto shows their home which they purchased some time later. Singing, initials, CC College and Careers, CSB Christian Service Brigade, PG Pioneer Girls, WM Womens Ministries, all groups they were involved in, wedding rings. STONE CHURCH, their home church, nursery (top right corner – Tim and Ena singing) SOLID ROCK (youth)
ROW 2 Wedding date, their children, block 3 into block 3, row 1 Car driving from Toronto to Turtleford, to the farm Cardinal, her favourite bird, their house purchased after their marriage
ROW 3 Hobbies, knitting, kids choir, music, stamp collecting, camping, tent, fire, canoe, quilting, books, piano, saw, square, hammer. Block 2 Nova Scotia, Carol’s place of birth, lobster, fish, lighthouse, sea.
It is a well-thought-out and executed piece of work, It covers our whole life. We all love it and all four of our children would like to own it.
Condition: Excellent
Description of condition:
Fabric Type:
Approximate thread count:
Embroidery thread type:
Number of letters:
Description of alphabets:
Number of sets of numerals:
Description of numerals:
Borders: other – Greek key, Cross stitches forming crosses, hearts, picket fence, chain, scrolls, wave
Motifs: plants, buildings, religiuos, family record
Type of stitches: cross
Name or initials on sampler: Carol, Bert, Ron, Dan, Ena, Tim, C & C; CSB; PG; WM; STONE CHURCH; SOLID ROCK
Verse or Inscription:
Thy word have I hid in my heart
Owner / Donor Story:
Our sampler was well thought out and executed. It covers the whole of our life to that time and we all love it.
All four of our children would like to have it.
Other Information:
No. of photographs: Number of photographs: 5
Description of photographs:
Reference numbers: (Museum, archive or other references associated with sampler)

If you have more info about this sampler, please contact us at