The complete list of EAC/ACB awards and grants, with the accompanying policies and materials for each, is available on the Awards & Grants for Members web page. Additional forms and accompanying materials are available on the Forms, Guidelines & Instructions web page. Job descriptions for all EAC/ACB positions are on the Job Descriptions web page.
The documents that are linked below are PDF files and will open in a new tab. Updated policies will be added as they become available.
- Archives Policy 2024-06
- Board of Directors Expense Policy 2023-06
- Board of Directors Policy 2022-05
- Bylaws 2024-04
- Chapter Policy 2024-02
- Chapter Disbanding Policy 2024-07
- Donations Policy 2024-05
- Education Policy 2024-09
- Embroidery Canada and Online Policy and Guidelines 2024-07
- Future Fund Policy and Guidelines 2024-06
- Heritage Collection Policy 2024-07
- Library Policy 2024-05
- Membership Policy 2022-09
- Name and Logo Policy 2024-05
- People Pool Policy 2024-09
- Privacy Policy 2024-05
- Sampler Registry Procedures
- Seminar Registration Cancellation and Refund Policy 2024-09
- Seminar Policy and Procedures 2021-02
- Speaker Policy 2024-09
- Youth Embroiderers Policy 2022-05
Award and Grant Policies
The following award and grant policies are available on the Awards & Grants for Members web page, with the application forms and materials for each.
- Seminar Grant Policy
- Memorial Fund Policy
- Original Design Award Policy
- Pauline Glover Educational Grant Policy
- Pulled Thread Award Policy
- Seminar Group Project Policy
- Seminar Theme Award Policy
- Viewers’ Choice Award Policy
- Eleanor Thomas Award Policy (for Youth)
Policy Review Statement (2018-03)
To ensure that all policies are up to date and are an accurate reflection of the practices of EAC/ACB, the Board of Directors and Appointees to the Board, all policies shall be reviewed at least once every five years, unless otherwise stated in a specific policy. However, the Board of Directors Expense Policy is be reviewed every two years, at the spring meeting, one year following elections or when needed. If a policy is reviewed or revised prior to the scheduled five-year review, the next review shall be five years from the date of said review/revision.
In the event that a policy is due for review, and the agenda does not allow for all business to be conducted and policies to be discussed, a policy that is due for review may be tabled to the next Board meeting if there are no major revisions needed. Schedule A will be updated to reflect the date of the last review or revision of each policy in the footer. Schedule A, under a separate heading in Policies, will indicate the date of the last review or revision along with the next scheduled review date for each policy listed.