Thank you to the publishers for contacting EAC/ACB to help with their launch of the new English version of this beautiful magazine! Check the Giuliana Ricama website for more information.
Ten lucky EAC/ACB members’ names were drawn to receive a copy of Giuliana Ricama. We only wish that we had enough copies for all who entered.
- Joyce Gill – Lady’s Slipper Needle Arts
- Terri Briggs – York Chatelaines
- Lexa Shaw – Embroiderers’ Guild of Victoria
- Mary Wahl – National Member
- Elizabeth Naculich – International Member
- Sheila Anstey – St. John’s Guild of Embroiderers
- Marnie Sholdice – Calgary Guild of Needle & Fibre Arts
- Adele Mandryk – Edmonton Needlecraft Guild and Virtual Threads
- Bonnie-Lynne Ceriko – Embroiderers’ Guild of Victoria
- Michele Young – Toronto Guild of Stitchery

Sheila says, “I was so pleased to be one of the winners of this beautiful magazine. It is a lovely, well-photographed magazine, and one I will enjoy doing projects from. I have already started one of the eggs, and hope to do the other egg designs. The little bags and the floral embroidery on the curtains and table runner are all designs I really would like to try in the future.”
You can stitch the eggs just like Sheila. You can find free charts for the four eggs and a few other charts on the Guiliana Ricama website.
Have fun Sheila!